Friday, May 1, 2015

Final blog post

Which in class writing was your favorite? Why? The team writing assignment was my favorite one. The reason that it was my favorite one is because I really had fun on my basketball team in high school.

•Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why? My least writing assignment was the one about our feelings. The reason way I say that is because I hate telling people how I feel.

•Review all you’re writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three interesting observations or changes in your writing. Which are the most profound (obvious and important)? Why? Used more details, changed how I use words when I write and I have noticed that I am getting more confident when I write.

•If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it be? Why? I would be more specific and use more details when I write. I would use more interesting details and I would change how I start my sentences.  

•What did you like best about this course? I like how we had to be more creative and come out of your comfort zone.

•What did you like least about this course?  The least favorite thing that I didn’t like was the in class write assignments. The reason that I said that was because some of the topics to me were really uncomfortable to talk about.

•What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a do-over?  If I could have started all over I would not have written the things on some of my writings and I would have chosen a different group to be with when we were in groups doing group work.

•What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this semester?  I learned that I have the ability to express my emotions and my attitude in many different ways when I write. Has a thinker I have noticed that I take the time to really get deep in my soul and think about what I am really thinking. And has a student I really have noticed that I can do things on my own without help from others

•What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course? I think that Mrs. A could have put things on the announcements more often than she did.

•You begin this course with an engagement and participation score of an A.  Attendance, participation in activities and group work help you to maintain this grade.  Evaluate yourself and assign yourself a grade for the in class portion of this course.  Don’t forget the reasoning behind your self-assigned grade. I have noticed that my writing and my confidence with my writing has changed a lot. The reason that I said that was at the being of the semester I was afraid to express myself. But towards the end of the semester I came out of my shell a whole lot. The reason that I want a good grade in this class is because I have worked so hard and I have participated in all of the class work and in all of the in class writing assignments that we have done.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

text and audience

What is the purpose of the text and who is the audience.
The purpose of this text is that they are at base camp. They are getting ready for war because they are teaching some college graduates how to fight. Then there was this guy that was name was Wong and when the navy seal leaders asked everyone to do pushups and Wong couldn’t do a pushup one of the navy seal leader asked for Brandon to teach Wong how to starch his clothes and sheets and do pushups.

I think that the author is writing to the people that are interested in learning about war. 


Stress and how you treat to deal with it
I believe that the lady on the video was right because my mom has told me that stress can make you sick and it can also cause people to feel emotionally drained. I also believe that the lady knows what she is talking about because I did some research myself and it said that confident people stand up straighter when they are not stressed out as much and less confident people slouch when they have a lot of stress on their bodies and when u are stressed there are lots of options that you can do to relieve that stress feeling that you have. They are exercising, going for a walk, tanning, reading a book, writing, getting your hair or nails done, shopping , watching movies, hanging out with friends or family and going to bars or clubs and just listening to music.  If that doesn’t work and you still feel a lot of stress you can also go to a counselor and get there advice on what you should do to get feeling better and have a normal life.

I have had a conflict with my weight whenever I was in high school. The reason that this is a conflict is because I have had to deal with it all my life. In high school I was made fun of people where calling me names like big al, big foot and other mean names. So when I got to college my first semester  I wanted to change how I dress and watch what I would eat and I would also exercise all the time three times a week to see where my weight was at cuze I don’t want to go back to where I was in high school.

The reason that there was conflict with people at my high school was because they were so mean and judge mental. The reason that they were so judgmental I think was that they were feeling the same things that everyone else were feeling at that same time in their life.

I think that me and my high school peers should have gotten along because we only had a couple of years together. And now has I am looking back at the conflicts that we had I am

I woke up and realized that i was invisible

I woke up and realized that I was invisible what would I do.

If I was invisible I would go to every place that I want and get my parents card and use it to pay for my clothes that I bought and when she gets on line and sees that I have spent over 120.00 dollars on clothes. But when my mom and my dad says who bought clothes that are on sale for 120.00 dollars I will pretend that it was not me. But it was me and I didn’t tell them the truth because I was scared to come clean. 



I was on the basketball team and the volleyball team all through high school. When I was on the basketball team I enjoyed it because I liked the competition that you had to compete and show the head coach that you want that spot more than the person that was next to you. So when I went to practice the next day I was determined that when the season starts that I am going beat ever one out of their positions and become the coach’s favorite. I really didn’t like to play volleyball but my mom thought that I would be good at it and I was but I only played it for only on season. 

pigeon impossible

Pigeon impossible
                The bagel

It all started on a Monday morning with a man walking to work. So as the man was walking to work he noticed that there was a bird that was chasing him cross town. The reason that the bird was chasing him cross town was because he wanted the man’s bagel. When the man was trying to get the bird the bagel all of a sudden he heard people screaming and booms going off and all sorts of different things going on. So when that is going on the man threw the bagel to the bird and the bird accidently feel in the man’s suit case and was pushing all these different buttons and everybody was screaming their heads off. So when I saw that part of the movie I couldn’t not stop laughing because it was so funny.  

what lessons you have learned in life

What are the lessons you have learned in life:

The lessons that I have learned in life are that when you like a guy you don’t text them or chase after them you let them come to you. I have also learned about making friends and not making stupid comments when one of your friends invite you to a party you don’t ask them the same question over and over again. I have also learned that driving over the speed limit is a bad thing to do and giving guys your cell phone number over Facebook is a stupid thing to do.  I have also learned that if you are talking to a guy and the first thing that he says that he wants you to come to his house to hangout you should say no and never talk to him again.